Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Surgery, Moving and WIPS (works in progress)

Here is our sweet 4 year old grandson, Wyatt.  This picture was taken a few minutes before he had some major brain surgery!  (Little did he know how much pain he would experience for the next couple of weeks.)  Wyatt had been experiencing severe headaches, vision problems and loss of motor skills.
He had several MRI's and they discovered that he had a condition called Chiari, basically when the skull doesn't grow large enough for the brain and the spinal fluid gets backed up at the base of the brain.  

Here he is with Kim right after the surgery.  He was in so much pain.  He didn't want any light or sound.  He couldn't eat for about 3 days. . .couldn't hold anything down.  He would ask us not to talk because it made his head hurt!

 Brooklyn could make him come to life every once in a while.  What really made him happy was to see his big brother, Jaxson.  (Too bad I didn't get a picture of him)

Mark and Kim took turns holding him in the bed, several sleepless nights for all!

Brooklyn is still nursing, so she had to be at the hospital most of the time.  She was a good distraction for us with her cute face and smile. . .

Wyatt got to go home after a week.  (Never thought we would be so excited for him to pee and poop!)  On his way home he said he loved his van and his car seat and his home!  There truly is 'no place like home!'  He is doing better every day and seems like the surgery was a great success.

In the meantime. . .

Our oldest daughter, Cami, her husband Brett and their children, Connor, Makenna and McKay moved to San Antonio, Texas.  Brett is in the Air Force and working in a hospital there as a Nurse Anesthetist. There should be some kind of law that you can not move grandchildren more than 50 miles away!
We will miss them so. . .thank goodness for skype!

Works In Progress. . .  

This pile of cut squares and rectangles is slowly turning into. . .

This wedding quilt for Rob and Schaefer!

This knitting project is slowly turning into a blanket for grand child number #8, Ashley and Tylers' son, who will be born in mid-June!

This is my design wall full of "The Vignette Mystery Quilt".  LOTS of stitching, (did I say LOTS of stitching!!)  But I am enjoying working on it and can't wait to see the finished product!

Life is rich and full.  I am so grateful for family, for modern medicine and for a hobby that feeds my creating desires!  


  1. I love that you have a blog to post what we are missing out on! LOVE YOU

  2. Mom! (My mom is so stinking talented- Enough for at least 7 or 8 moms)I love the quilt!!! It is looking so great. Schaefer will love it when she she's it. Glad you keep us up. Now that I will have a place to call home, I will get going on my blog

  3. Loved the up-date. Thanks for sharing. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and all your new events going on this year. Good luck!

  4. Oh my gosh I am so sorry about the surgery for little Wyatt! They were worried about that same problem with Amber's little boy, but they are still watching him. So sad. Now about your quilting projects, I am soooo envious! I love what you have done, what a lot of work! It's all beautiful!

  5. Mom! What a great post! That quilt for Rob and Schaefer is going to be awesome! And I can't wait to see your "sticthing" quilt! What a labor of love! MISS YOU SO MUCH!


  6. Holy moly so much going on in your family!!! I hope Wyatt is feeling better soon and not in pain. Poor thing. Brooklyn is getting so big already! :-) LOVE all your projects. Happy Valentine's Day!!

  7. Connie all the quilts, blankets etc. look amazing! Your grandson Conner looks a lot like Dan! So glad Wyatt is healing up. It hurts so much when one of our loved ones is hurting either physically or emotionally!

  8. Have I ever told you that you are one of my favorite people EVER! Such talent, such love. I miss you and loved our 4 hour brunch talk!!
